To begin with, I caught a really bad cold just after finishing a gigantic project at the day job and the next thing I knew it was thanksgiving and then it was New Year’s and the terrible year of our lord 2020 was behind us and then Jansix happened. Needless to say my big plans just like yours were altered. The Podcast started with a bang and then fell apart. On the bright side 2020 saw the website experience an uptick in quality from contributors Matthew X. Gomez, Gabino Iglesias, Anthony Perconti and last but not least, Gabriel Hart. If you have a review or article you want us to publish, I want to hear your pitch…I promise if I don’t like it I will be gentle.
I also picked up a gig working for AC over at PULP MODERN FLASH reading stories. You can find them here. I don’t remember how many I did, but I’m a little too embarrassed to ask AC if he fired me or not since I haven’t been asked to do more. AC if you’re reading this now…I promise I’ll work harder–longer–I got kids to feed and I need the exposure…please AC don’t turn your back on me! LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!
Sorry…what was I saying? Oh yeah, I’ve started a media company because one side hustle is not enough in this economy.
It took seven months to get through the slush pile from June 1-14, 2020. I make no excuses it is what it is. On the lighter side of things I’m bringing in help so that your Quality Cheap Thrills can continue. Tia Ja’nae has agreed to join the masthead here, so I’d better make sure I have one.
We’re sitting on three issues of material and if the good lord is willing I may just publish them all before the end of the year like I did ECR’s first year. I know the authors would be super happy and since ECR first and foremost is for the readers who are authors that is now the moon shot goal.
In the mean time, I’m finishing the edits (or as some of you readers might bemuse nonedits) on issue 7. Which features the work of Simon Broder, Matthew X. Gomez, J. Travis Grundon, A.M. Walley, Willow Croft, Russell W. Johnson, Scott Forbes Crawford, Kevin M. Folliard, and Mack Moyer. Cover art by Duane Crockett is displayed above.
There is also a secret project in the works from us so stay tuned for details. Please check out our other offerings from Down & Out Books here.